Friday, December 21, 2018

[MT-ID:All Member] Jadwal Training Mikrotik (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Banjarmasin)

Newsletter Mikrotik Indonesia (
Kategori: All Member
Email ini dikirimkan dari email address yang tidak dimonitor, jangan
melakulan reply karena email Anda tidak akan terbaca oleh kami.
Untuk mengirimkan pesan, gunakanlah fasilitas layanan di website
Untuk info terbaru dari kami, follow twitter kami: @mikrotik_id

Halo, Bagio Wijaya

Inilah saatnya mewujudkan resolusi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan
jaringan komputer di awal tahun baru 2019.

Ikuti kelas Mikrotik Training yang kami buka

- MTCNA Jakarta, 15-17 Januari 2019
- MTCNA Yogyakarta, 22-24 Januari 2019
- MTCNA Yogyakarta, 12-14 Februari 2019
- MTCNA Jakarta, 19-21 Februari 2019
- MTCNA Banjarmasin, 26-28 Februari 2019

Pada kelas MTCNA akan dibahas secara mendalam materi dasar mulai dari
pengenalan hingga implementasi fitur-fitur utama Mikrotik baik teori
maupun praktik, dan akan diakhiri dengan ujian sertifikasi Mikrotik

Kapasitas setiap kelas hanya 24 peserta, jadi segera lakukan
pendaftaran sekarang juga. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan online pada

Sebelum melakukan pendaftaran, pastikan sudah memiliki akun
membership, jika belum silakan register pada halaman berikut

Sampai jumpa di kelas Mikrotik Training terdekat.


Mikrotik Indonesia

Anda menerima email ini karena Anda bergabung dalam newsletter kami.
Untuk melakukan un-subscribe, loginlah ke website kami, dan Anda
bisa melakukan subscribe/unsubscribe ke newsletter kami di URL:
(harus login terlebih dahulu)



Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Ada Perusahaan Apa Saja Di UI Vocational Expo 2018? Cek Daftarnya Di Sini!

Hi Career Seeker Jakarta!

UI Vocational Expo 2018 adalah sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh BEM Vokasi Universitas Indonesia, Departemen Pengembangan Karir.  Di acara inikamu bisa mengikuti acara talk show dan melamar di perusahaan-perusahaan peserta seperti BNI Life,, stickearn, Wahana Visi, Kompas-Gramedia dan puluhan perusahaan lainnya. 

Daftar dan gabung di acara ini untuk mendapatkan kesempatan bergabung dengan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang ada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Event UI Vocational Expo 2018 akan dilaksanakan pada :

Tempat : Balairung Universitas Indonesia 

Jl. Prof. DR. Mahar Mardjono, Pondok Cina, Beji

Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424

Tanggal : 30 November - 1 Desember 2018

Waktu : Pukul 09.00 - 17.00

Untuk mengikuti job fair UI Vocational Expo 2018, kamu hanya perlu mendaftar melalui tautan di email ini kemudian upload CV terbaru untuk mendapatkan Kode OTP dan juga QR Code yang akan digunakan di acara ini. 

Yuk, daftar dan gabung dengan UI Vocational Expo 2018 untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian bersama ribuan orang lainnya. See you at UI Vocational Expo 2018!

Untuk pertanyaan dan informasi lainnya mengenai acara ini, hubungi :

Instagram          :

Email                  : All Right Reserved

Copyright 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Yuk, Gabung di Job Fair UI Vocational Expo 2018 Bulan Ini!

Hi Career Seeker Jakarta!

UI Vocational Expo 2018 adalah sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh BEM Vokasi Universitas Indonesia, Departemen Pengembangan Karir.  Di acara ini akan ada job fair dan juga acara talk show dengan tema  mengenai pengembangan karir dan dunia kerja yang tentunya akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para jobseekers. 

Daftar dan gabung di acara ini untuk mendapatkan kesempatan bergabung dengan perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang ada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Event UI Vocational Expo 2018 akan dilaksanakan pada :

Tempat : Balairung Universitas Indonesia 

Jl. Prof. DR. Mahar Mardjono, Pondok Cina, Beji

Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424

Tanggal : 30 November - 1 Desember 2018

Waktu : Pukul 09.00 - 17.00

Untuk mengikuti job fair UI Vocational Expo 2018, kamu hanya perlu mendaftar melalui tautan di email ini kemudian upload CV terbaru untuk mendapatkan Kode OTP dan juga QR Code yang akan digunakan di acara ini. 

Yuk, daftar dan gabung dengan UI Vocational Expo 2018 untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian bersama ribuan orang lainnya. See you at UI Vocational Expo 2018!

Untuk pertanyaan dan informasi lainnya mengenai acara ini, hubungi :

Instagram          :

Email                  : All Right Reserved

Copyright 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Your Google Ads account was cancelled due to no spend

Your Customer ID: 621-886-6182
Sign In

Your Google Ads account was cancelled due to no spend

Your Google Ads account 621-886-6182 was automatically cancelled on 9/19/18, as it has not spent for over 15 months. Learn more about inactive account cancellation.

Ads will stop showing within 24 hours of account cancellation. If you have money left in your cancelled account, we'll refund it to your payment method within 4 weeks.

If you'd like to reactivate your account, you can do so by signing into Google Ads account. Learn more about reactivating cancelled accounts.


The Google Ads Team

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Permintaan langganan komentar dari 'PTC yang terbukti membayar gan'

Halo, Sudah lama kami tidak menyapa Anda. Kami ingin mengonfirmasi bahwa Anda masih ingin menerima notifikasi email saat komentar baru di blog PTC yang terbukti membayar gan telah dipublikasikan.
Silakan klik link Pertahankan Langganan di bawah untuk terus menerima notifikasi email komentar baru dari blog ini. Jika tidak ingin menerima notifikasi email tersebut, Anda bisa mengabaikan pesan ini, atau mengklik link Tolak di bawah.

Jika ingin berhenti menerima notifikasi email komentar untuk blog ini, Anda dapat mengklik link berhenti menerima di sini atau di salah satu email notifikasi.

Pertahankan Langganan

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Last Call Before Qareer Carnival Kick-Off!

Hi Career Seekers! akan kembali hadir dalam event job fair Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-26 Juli 2018 di Gd Patra Jasa, Jakarta dari pukul 9 pagi hingga 17 sore.

Ada ratusan lowongan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan dari puluhan perusahaan nasional di Indonesia seperti Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia, Bukalapak, AXA Mandiri, Indomaret dan lainnya. 

Untuk mengikuti acara ini, caranya sangat mudah! Kamu cukup klik link registrasi, lengkapi profil dan juga unggah cv-mu. Setelah itu lakukan proses verifikasi email, dan dapatkan kode OTP dan juga QR Code yang bisa kamu gunakan di acara Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta!

Setelah selesai melakukan seluruh proses tersebut, kamu tinggal datang ke acara tanpa perlu membawa cv hardcopy. Cukup pastikan ada browser Google Chrome dan juga softcopy cv yang akan kamu gunakan di dalam smartphone. 

Jangan lewatkan peluang kerja yang menarik dan juga sesuai dengan keinginan mu! Ajak juga teman-temen jobseeker lainnya untuk bergabung dan bersama-sama menemukan pilihan karir terbaik di sini! 

Sampai Jumpa di Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta​​​​​​​

Qareer Carnival 2018
"Celebrate the Advancement of your Career With the First Different Experience"

See You
On Qareer Carnival 2018

For more info:
IG: @karirdotcom
© 2018  |   All rights reserved

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hi, Mengundang Kamu Untuk Mengikkuti Event Ini!

Hi Career Seekers! kembali hadir dengan event job fair paling seru dan anti-repot di Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta! Setelah sukses diadakan di Bandung, sekarang saatnya kamu untuk mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dan diskusi bareng recruiter perusahaan impian mu! Catat tempat dan tanggalnya! 

Raih potensi karir terbaikmu dan dapatkan kesempatan bekerja di Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia, Bukalapak, AXA Mandiri, Indomaret, dan berbagai perusahaan ternama lainnya.

Caranya mudah! Klik link registrasi, lengkapi profil online mu, lakukan proses verifikasi email, dan dapatkan kode OTP dan juga QR Code yang bisa kamu gunakan di acara Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta!

Ada ribuan lowongan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan dalam acara ini di berbagai industri di Indonesia. Dapatkan peluang kamu untuk menjadi salah satu kandidat terbaik untuk mengisi posisi tersebut.

Jangan lewatkan peluang kerja yang menarik dan juga sesuai dengan keinginan mu! Ajak juga teman-temen jobseeker lainnya untuk bergabung dan bersama-sama menemukan pilihan karir terbaik di sini! 

Sampai Jumpa di Qareer Carnival 2018 Jakarta​​​​​​​

Qareer Carnival 2018
"Celebrate the Advancement of your Career With the First Different Experience"

See You
On Qareer Carnival 2018

For more info:
IG: @karirdotcom
© 2018  |   All rights reserved

Thursday, May 31, 2018

MikroTik GDPR policy

Dear customer,

With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2018, the issue of processing your personal data becomes especially important for us. We'd like to make sure that you agree to stay in touch with MikroTik.

MikroTik is in the legitimate interest to maintain our business relationship with MikroTik customers, so we believe it is in your interests to receive information that we think may be useful to you.

In order to maintain and improve our business relations, supply goods and services, carry out our legitimate interest (like commercial benefits) to process personal data without consent, provided that it is not overweighed by negative effects on your personal rights and freedoms, MikroTik has so far sent you information related to our activities, and we hope that you will continue to be interested in receiving such informative messages. We send them to inform our customers and partners about MikroTik news, changes and improvements in MikroTik products and software that might be relevant to you, to comply with essential requirements of product sales and usage, information about MikroTik training seminars and MUM events, as well as other information.

We respect your privacy and protect all your personal data we process.
Your personal data is processed only by MikroTik (SIA Mikrotīkls) and is not transferred to any third party.

We will keep your personal data (e-mail address) for as long as you have a business relationship with us. You may freely opt-out of this informative e-mail at any time by using the option provided at the bottom of each email.

Everyone has the right to use the rights of the data subject under the GDPR, such as requesting access, modifying or deleting his personal data, limiting data processing, and the right to data portability. If you are not satisfied with how we process your personal data, you are entitled to contact MikroTik

Best regards,

To unsubscribe from this list please follow the link:

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

[MT-ID:All Member] Update Info Mei 2018

Newsletter Mikrotik Indonesia (
Kategori: All Member
Email ini dikirimkan dari email address yang tidak dimonitor, jangan
melakulan reply karena email Anda tidak akan terbaca oleh kami.
Untuk mengirimkan pesan, gunakanlah fasilitas layanan di website
Untuk info terbaru dari kami, follow twitter kami: @mikrotik_id

Halo, Bagio Wijaya apa kabar?

Tahukah Anda bahwa baru baru ini MikroTik telah merilis beberapa
produk baru? Kabar baiknya produk tersebut sudah tersedia di . Apa saja produk nya?

1. Router Wireless RBD52G-5HacD2HnD-TC (hAP-AC2).
hAP ac² merupakan Dual-concurrent Access Point yang dapat beroperasi
pada frekuensi 2,4GHz dan 5GHz secara bersamaan dan juga memiliki
port USB yang bisa difungsikan untuk penggunaan USB modem 3G/4G .
Selengkapnya : .

2. Router Wireless RBwAPR-2nD (wAP-R)
Router Wireless RBwAPR-2nD ini dilengkapi dengan slot MiniPCIe dan
antenna internal LTE serta wireless 2,4GHz.
Selengkapnya : .

3. RouterBoard FiberBox (CRS105-5S-FB)
FiberBox adalah outdoor switch Layer 3 dengan 5 port SFP 1G. Switch
ini Berbasis RouterOS .
Selengkapnya : .

Disamping produk baru diatas, kami juga telah membuka kelas MikroTik
Training terbaru di berbagai kota dengan jadwal sebagai berikut ;

- MTCNA Yogyakarta, 26 - 28 Juni 2018
- MTCNA Jakarta, 31 Juli - 2 Agustus 2018
- MTCRE Pekanbaru, 3 - 5 Juli 2018
- MTCTCE Jakarta, 10 - 12 Juli 2018

Informasi lebih lengkap dan pendaftaran bisa dilihat di :

Terimakasih sudah menggunakan produk-produk MikroTik sampai saat ini.


Mikrotik Indonesia


Mikrotik Indonesia

Anda menerima email ini karena Anda bergabung dalam newsletter kami.
Untuk melakukan un-subscribe, loginlah ke website kami, dan Anda
bisa melakukan subscribe/unsubscribe ke newsletter kami di URL:
(harus login terlebih dahulu)



Saturday, May 12, 2018

Improvements to our Privacy Policy and Privacy Controls

Updating Our Privacy Policy
This month, we're updating our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect and why we collect it. We've also taken steps to improve our Privacy Checkup and other controls we provide to safeguard your data and protect your privacy.
Nothing is changing about your current settings or how your information is processed. Rather, we've improved the way we describe our practices and how we explain the options you have to update, manage, export, and delete your data.
We're making these updates as new data protection regulations come into effect in the European Union, and we're taking the opportunity to make improvements for Google users around the world.
Making our Privacy Policy easier to understand
Simpler structure & clearer language
We've improved the navigation and organization of the policy to make it easier to find what you're looking for. We've also explained our practices in more detail and with clearer language.
New descriptive videos & illustrations
Often a visual description is easier to understand than text alone, so we've added short videos and illustrations throughout the policy.
Embedded privacy controls
We've made it easier to jump to key settings directly from the policy, helping you make choices about your privacy.
The revised policy is available here and will take effect on May 25, 2018.
Improving your privacy controls
Within the past year, we updated My Activity so that you can better access and manage the data in your Google Account. We also launched a redesigned Dashboard, which allows you to easily see an overview of products you're using and your data associated with them.
This month, we've updated our Privacy Checkup with new illustrations and examples to help you make more informed choices about your key privacy controls. And since we understand that your preferences may change over time, the new Privacy Checkup enables you to sign up for regular reminders to check your privacy settings.
To learn more about these and other controls to manage your privacy, visit your Google Account.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

[Important Reminder] Review your data retention settings before they take effect on May 25, 2018

Dear Google Analytics Customer,
We recently sent an email introducing new data retention controls that allow you to manage how long your user and event data are stored by Google Analytics. We would like to remind you that the new data retention settings will soon take effect - on May 25, 2018.
If you haven't already done so, please review and confirm these settings (Property ➝ Tracking Info ➝ Data Retention) as Google Analytics will begin to delete data according to these settings starting May 25.
Impact of this setting as of May 25 is the following:
  • Any user and event data that is older than your retention setting will be marked for permanent deletion, and will no longer be accessible in Google Analytics.
  • Deletion will affect the use of segmentation, some custom reports and secondary dimensions when applied in date ranges older than your retention setting.
  • Reports based on aggregated data will not be affected.
Find out more
You can also learn more about these data retention settings or how Google Analytics is committed to safeguarding your data.
The Google Analytics Team

Friday, April 27, 2018

[Important Notice] Data processing terms for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) available for review / acceptance

Dear Customer,
Over the past year we've shared how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new data protection law coming into force on May 25, 2018. It affects European and non-European businesses using online advertising and measurement solutions when their sites and apps are accessed by users in the European Economic Area (EEA).
We would like to ensure you are aware of updated data processing terms and a new contact collection mechanism for your Google Analytics Suite Products (Standard and 360 versions). If you service users in the EEA (or are based in Switzerland, where our updated terms are also relevant), or are otherwise subject to the GDPR, please review and accept these terms and provide related contact information. If you do not service users in the EEA or are not based in Switzerland, you may disregard the rest of this email.
Step 1: Review and accept the updated data processing terms in each account for each product you manage in the Google Analytics Suite:
  • Google Analytics / Analytics 360: Admin > Account > Account Settings (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Optimize / Optimize 360: Edit Account Details > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Tag Manager / Tag Manager 360: Account Settings > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Attribution / Attribution 360: Admin > Account Settings > (scroll to bottom of page)
  • Google Data Studio: User Settings > Account and Privacy (acceptance managed on a user basis)
Additional information about accepting these terms:
  • All clients using 360 products, clients using Data Studio, and clients using standard versions of Tag Manager or Optimize whose accounts were created before March 12, 2018, can review and accept data processing terms in their account(s).
  • For clients based in the EEA or Switzerland, updated data processing terms have already been included in online terms for all Google Analytics and Attribution accounts and for Tag Manager and Optimize accounts created on or after March 12, 2018.
  • For clients based outside of the EEA or Switzerland, data processing terms can be reviewed and accepted in the UIs of each account.
  • Once you accept the new data processing terms, they'll supplement your current contract or Terms of Service and will take effect on May 25, 2018
  • If you contract through a Sales Partner for any 360 products within the Google Analytics Suite, you should seek advice from the parties with whom you contract.
  • If you are located in Germany, the Hamburg Data Protection Authority has been informed of these new data processing terms.
Step 2: Provide your legal entity and contact details for notifications we may need to send under the GDPR (e.g. subprocessor appointment):
  • For Analytics, Optimize, Tag Manager and Attribution, you can provide the contact details within Suite Home ( "Organization Settings" >"Data Processing Amendment - Details"). Learn more.
  • For Data Studio, the contact collection mechanism exists in Data Studio only (not in Suite Home) and is available at User Settings > Account and Privacy. Learn more.
Find Out More
You can refer to to learn more about Google's data privacy policies and approach.
The Google Analytics Suite Team