Thursday, April 8, 2010

F1 8% Cash Bonus for Bagio Wijaya (before Apr 12, 2010)

Dear User,
Bagio Wijaya

Team F1 Clearing kami FXDD telah menjuarai perlombaan balap mobil Formula 1 di Grand Prix Malaysia bersama dengan team Red Bull Racing F1 (

dan sebagai apresiasinya, kami bersama FXDD memberikan bonus 8% dari deposit yang anda lakukan sekarang
sebelum April 12, 2010.

Sebagai Contoh:
Anda mendeposit $1000 maka anda akan mendapatkan $80 cash, anda mendeposit $20000 akan mendapatkan $1600 cash
dan seterusnya.

Segera tambah deposit anda sebelum April 12, 2010 di kami.
(cara mendeposit:
atau apabila anda belum mendaftar sebagai member Live Account kami, maka segera daftarkan di :

(baca pula syarat dan ketentuannya di keterangan di bawah ini - Terms and Conditions*)

NB: bila anda telah mendeposit, maka segera uploadkan bukti transfernya ke dan ke , dengan judul email:
"Redbull F1 8% Bonus deposit confirmation" , cantumkan pula nomor login anda di email tersebut untuk memudahkan
proses checking.

Demikian informasi ini kami sampaikan dan semoga bermanfaat.




Formula 1 Racing Bonus

As an official partner of the Red Bull Racing Formula 1 team, Our clearing firm FXDD wants you to be part of the action. During the entire 2010 F1 season for one week after each race, Our clearing firm is offering a deposit bonus when our team comes in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. If we win the qualifying session and earn a pole position, the bonus is doubled!

In the Grand Prix in Malaysia, the Red Bull F1 team earned the pole position and won the race. Deposit funds in your live trading account before Monday, April 12, 2010 and receive an 8% bonus!*

How to deposit:

To Register a new live trading account:

Claim your bonus immediately after you have deposit before 12 Apr 2010. Please Send the copy receipt to and (please mention your login number),
and write the mail subject = "Redbull F1 8% Bonus deposit confirmation"

* Terms and Conditions:

NEW AND EXISTING CUSTOMERS: The bonus (up to $8,000 bonus money per client) is for new funds deposited into a live trading account from April 5th through April 12th, 2010. The Company (FXDD) requires that the customer trade a minimum of N standard lot round turn trades before 7/12/2010 in order to be eligible to withdraw any bonus money. N being the amount of $ in bonus money received divided by 20.

For example: If $10,000 is deposited an 8% bonus = $800. The minimum number of trades would be 800/20=40. Therefore 40 standard lot round turn trades are required in order to be eligible to withdraw any bonus money. Further, any attempted cash withdrawal that would reduce the equity in the account to an amount less than the money deposited for the promotion will result in a revocation of all bonus money.

The Company, in its sole discretion, will determine if a client's deposit and trading activity entitles them to retain the bonus credit.

All money in USD.

If you have any question , please contact us at

Thank you


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