Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Relaunch: New design on the


The last few weeks we have been very busy and have worked on creating a new version of the!

Here you can take a look at the new version:

The main features are:

1) Complete new appearance

We have tried to simplify editing websites through a more clear design.
You can now, for example. see a direct preview of all available basic designs under "Design" -> "Base design".

Under "Extras", every extra is now symbolized through a fancy icon:

2) Mobile version

In contrary to the old version, you can now use many more features in the new version on your smartphone.
The new design of our website is "responsive", this means that the elements of your website will automatically adjust to the size of your screen.

This is what the login area looks like on an iPhone 4 for example:

3) More space

The menu that is shown to logged in users has been moved from the left to the top and therefore needs less space.
You therefore have a better view when editing your text on your website.

We hope you like our new design and we appreciate feedback of any kind.

Here you can find the corresponding board posting:

Many greetings,
your team

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