Monday, August 28, 2023

Undangan Perkenalan dan Cobain Gratis Talenta HRIS selama 6 Bulan

Dear Bapak/Ibu,

Salam hangat. 
Perkenalkan saya Jay dari Mekari Talenta.

Mungkin dari Bapak/Ibu sudah ada kesempatan membuka penawaran email kami sebelumnya, dan saya yakin bahwa Bapak/Ibu sudah memahami bahwa mengelola payroll dan management data administrasi karyawan memang tidak mudah.

Saat ini, kami menjalankan partnership dengan Bank Neo Commerce dan Bapak/Ibu bisa cobain Talenta Gratis selama 6 bulan / Cashback 100%

Kami dari Talenta ingin mengundang Bapak/Ibu untuk bisa ikut serta dalam konsultasi dalam manajemen sistem HR yang digunakan serta cara untuk trial Talenta selama 6 bulan gratis

Jika boleh tahu, apakah saat ini dari Bapak/Ibu terbuka untuk coba diskusi mengenai hal ini lebih lanjut?

Best Regards,
Jay Adighana Wijaya 
Business Development Representative

PT. Mid Solusi Nusantara 
Head Office: Midplaza 2, 4th Floor, Jakarta 10220
Bali | Bandung | Medan | Surabaya | Semarang | Yogyakarta

+62 851-7206-7529


Monday, August 21, 2023

Talenta HRIS Cloud vs On-premise

Logo Placeholder

Dear Ibu/Bapak,

Perkenalkan saya Jay dari Mekari Talenta. Saya ingin sosialisasi mengenai software HR & Payroll yang mungkin dapat menjadi solusi bagi perusahaan.


Transformasi HR dengan HRIS Terintegrasi

Proses HR yang masih dilakukan secara manual seringkali memakan waktu serta rentan terjadi kesalahan rekap data dan perhitungan payroll. 

Selain itu, penggunaan existing sistem HR dengan interface yang tidak user-friendly dan tidak seamless tentu saja akan menyulitkan serta membutuhkan solusi lebih lanjut.

Female Student Banner


Cloud HRIS vs On-Premise


     Cerita Mekari Talenta di berbagai industri

"Sebelum menggunakan Talenta, sistem absensi kita manual dan memakan waktu berhari-hari dalam proses payroll, karena lokasi kita yang berada di seluruh Indonesia. Sekarang semuanya terekap otomatis dan terpantau real-time dari kantor pusat."

Marysha Djafar

Human Resources and General Affair Senior Manager - Lion Parcel

Graduation Ceremony Placeholder
Graduates Placeholder

"Fitur payslip sangat berguna bagi HR dalam pengerjaan payroll. Sebelumnya payslip kami kerjakan manual dengan kirim satu-satu ke karyawan. Sekarang karyawan bisa mengakses payslip mereka sendiri ketika sudah gajian."


Compensation and Benefit Supervisor - Sayurbox

"Melalui fitur Announcement, semua update informasi yang terjadi di perusahan, misalnya yang berhubungan dengan jadwal training karyawan bisa langsung diinformasikan ke karyawan melalui email dan aplikasi mobile Talenta."

Irawati Abdul LatifHR Manager - Ayana Komodo

Graduation Ceremony Placeholder

 Satu solusi untuk semua kebutuhan HR Anda

Optimalkan pengelolaan operasi HR Anda dengan bantuan solusi terintegrasi dari Mekari Talenta.

Jay Adighana Wijaya 
Business Development Representative

PT. Mid Solusi Nusantara 
Head Office: Midplaza 2, 4th Floor, Jakarta 10220
Bali | Bandung | Medan | Surabaya | Semarang | Yogyakarta

+62 851-7206-7529


Friday, August 11, 2023

Updating our Google Account inactivity policy

Every day Google works hard to keep you and your private information safe and secure by preventing unauthorized access to your Google Account with our built-in security protections. And keeping you safe means having strong privacy practices across our products that minimize how long we store your personal files and any data associated with them. We want to protect your private information and prevent any unauthorized access to your account even if you're no longer using our services.

Therefore, we are updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all our products and services. This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that's been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023.

What this means for you:

  • These changes do not impact you unless you have been inactive in your Google Account for two years or have not used your account to sign in to any Google service for over two years.
  • While the changes go into effect today, the earliest we would enforce any account deletion would be December 2023.
  • If your account is considered inactive, we will send several reminder emails to both you and your recovery emails (if any have been provided) before we take any action or delete any account content. These reminder emails will go out at least 8 months before any action is taken on your account.
  • After a Google Account is deleted, the Gmail address for the deleted account cannot be used again when creating a new Google Account.

How to keep your account active?

The simplest way to keep a Google Account active is to sign in to the account at least once every two years. If you have signed in to your Google Account recently in the past two years, your account is considered active and will not be deleted.

Other ways to keep your account active include:

  • Reading or sending an email
  • Using Google Drive
  • Watching a YouTube video
  • Sharing a photo
  • Downloading an app
  • Using Google Search
  • Using Sign in with Google to sign in to a third-party app or service

There are some exceptions to this policy. Examples include: a Google Account with YouTube channels, videos or comments; an account that has a gift card with a monetary balance; or an account that has a published application, for example, one that hosts an app on the Google Play store. Other exceptions to this policy are available here.

Google also offers tools to help manage your Google Account and provide options to back up your data, including the ability to download your data using Google Takeout, and allowing you to plan for what happens to your data if you're inactive for a specific period of time with the Inactive Account Manager.

Our priority is to make it as easy as possible for you to keep your account active, if you want to, and we'll ensure you have adequate notice before any account is impacted by this change. So before an account is deleted, Google will send email notifications to the Google Account and its recovery email (if one has been provided). You should verify that your recovery email is up to date.

Learn more

Thank you,
The Google Account team

You have received this email to update you about important changes to your Google Account and services.

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